Johnny Allen Slack

Johnny Allen's new album Pipe Dreams includes a diverse mix of originals. Not all of the songs have lyrics but are part of some concept videos he has produced.

From left Johnny Allen Slack, Michael Slack and Daryl Venable. You can find information about their album "A Song of Your Own" here.
This profile will be a little different than my earlier ones. I sent interview questions to Johnny Allen and he recorded the questions and his answers on YouTube. It's about 30 minutes long but I think it is interesting.
The “interview” gives a little history about Johnny's early musical ventures and the different bands and genres of music. We address some changes in the music business and well, have a listen…

Johnny Allen's video response to my interview questions. From his early music start to current projects. In my opinion it's an interesting 30 minute video.
Another interesting fact? Johnny Allen's drummer and brother Michael and I competed for class president at Beech Grove High School waaaaay back in 1985. It wasn't much of a competition. Mike kicked my butt. But he made a great class president.
Singer/songwriter Johnny Allen writes that he composes songs and music for music libraries. His concept videos of original works, music and songs featured on this channel are a quality alternative to expensive major label level videos. Johnny Allen is building a catalog for placement on all media platforms and when feasible will post live acoustic shows. Songs currently with BMI. His music? It's very diverse and, honestly, you may not enjoy them all. It depends on your music tastes.
Johnny Allen Slack grew up in Beech Grove and his brother Mike plays drums on some of their songs.

A few songs Johnny Allen has performed, written or co-wrote along with some concept videos plus a couple of covers.
Ah Leah - Cover by Lipstick Lemon
Cry the Blues Away - Johnny wrote the song and did the concept video
When the Levee Breaks - According to Johnny Allen, this is a cover version of the great Led Zeppelin classic performed by a new heavy metal project, Lipstick Lemon. Creator of this project Anthony Scott. Guitars and percussion performed by A. Scott. Bass, vocals and special effects guitar, J Allen. Video concept J.Allen. Logo design by A.Scott. Song written by Led Zeppelin.
For the Morning - An interesting concept video and kicking wild west theme. Warning. There is a suggestive violent theme some may find offensive.
Like a Slave Johnny Allen cover tribute of Audioslave song
NoHoArts features a review of this album by the southern rock group Crossroad Saints
As I learn more about Johnny Allen Slack I will try to update this post.
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David C. Lannan is a former photojournalist and publication designer. His experience in writing includes feature and news stories, editing and proofreading. His graphic design includes logos, postcards, CD covers, flyers and newsletters. Find samples of his work at his online portfolio, LFE.design.
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